20+ Fintan Magee Murals in Sydney

If you follow me on Instagram, you may have noticed I am quite partial to street art and spend many hours hunting down new murals. This post highlights 20 plus Fintan Magee murals in Sydney that we have managed to find so far. 

Street art fans may have already heard of Fintan Magee; his huge murals are spread worldwide and around Australia. He is one of my favourite Australian street artists, and I am always looking for his work.

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Born in Lismore in 1985, he has been painting full-time since 2009. His work focused on themes of environment and community. I have put together this post and a google map to help you discover them.

Fintan Magee Murals in Sydney’s Inner West

The inner west of Sydney is street art nirvana. Thanks mainly to an open-minded local council that runs great projects like Perfect Match and Wall to Wall and the local communities who embrace them, this area welcomes street art in many forms. It’s a great place to explore, with new work popping up all the time.

The Clean-Up – Newtown

Fintan Magee The Clean Up Newtown
Clean Up in Albermarle St Newtown

You will find this mural, of his more recent works, on the side of the house on the corner of Albermarle and Chelmsford St Newtown. This mural was included in the Inner West Council Perfect Match walk in August 2016.

Matt Hogan Reserve – Newtown

Fintan magee Alice Street Newtown mural
Fintan mural in Camden Street Newtown

This mural was painted via a crowd-funded project arranged by residents. You will find it in the park at 48-74 Camden Street, a short walk from King Street.

Bracing a Falling Sky – King Lane – Newtown

King Lane Fintan Magee Bracing a Falling Sky
Sadly this mural has be destroyed

I can’t believe I did not discover this one sooner as it seems to have been around since 2014. It was at the Wells Street end of King Lane, sadly it was destroyed earlier this year only a couple of weeks after I took this shot 🙁

The Hikers – Newtown

Fintan Magee Mural Sydney The Hikers
The Hikers in kent Street

I have not been lucky enough to pass this gorgeous work, without a car parked outside, maybe you will have more luck. You will find it on the corner of Kent and Ferndale Streets. It was painted in early 2014 from what I can find online.

Flood Emergency Supply Drop – Newtown

Fintan Magee Mural Church St Newtown

This one is on the wall of 284 Church Street, just off King Street. It is one of the earlier Newtown murals that Magee did in the area appearing sometime before October 2012.

(Woman with telephone) Church Street Newtown (with Numskull)

Fintan Magee Mural in Church St Newtown
You will find this mural in Church Street Newtown

This one has a story. Originally an image of an archer appeared where the woman with the tin can telephone is. After accidentally being painted over Fintan reworked the piece and decided to let the work comment on the situation.

The Therapist – Newtown

FIntan Magee The Therapist Enmore
Opposite the Golden Barley Hotel in Newtown

On the wall of café The Wolf and the Honeybee 206 Edgeware Rd Newtown. Not sure when it first appeared, but it has been there since at least mid-2014.

The Housing Bubble – Enmore Road

Fintan Magee Housing Bubble Enmore Road The Urban Hotel
On the wall of the Urban Hotel in Enmore

The Housing Bubble was painted as part of the 2015 Perfect Match program. You will find it on the wall of the Urban Hotel on Enmore Road.

2 Boys Exploring – Enmore

Fintan Magee Enmore 2 little boys with magnifying glass
Not sure of the name of this one but it’s one of my favourites

Located in Wilford Street just a short walk from Young Henry’s Brewery I wish this was on my front fence!

Spirit Of Australian Settlement – Enmore

Fintan Magee Settlement Leichhardt
Newington Road Enmore

You will find this rather large “gentleman” just off Enmore Road on Newington Road… not far from Enmore Park.

Food Chain – Leichhardt (with Ben Butcher and Cam Scale)

Fintan Magee Food Chain Mural Leichhardt

Painted in 2015 this large piece is located at the corner of Catherine and Annesley Streets in Leichhardt

The River Settler – Marrickville

Fintan Magee River Settler Mural Marrickville
An oldie and fading fast – just near Sydenham Station.

Just down from Sydenham Station on Marrickville Road this mural also appeared in early 2014.

The Island – Marricville

The Island on Addison Rd, Marrickville,
The Island on Addison Rd, Marrickville

Another work from the Inner West Council’s public art program, The Island was created as a joint work Mageeby and a local organisation Settlement Services International. The mural features two refugees Shohrat Tursun and Dilnigar Alim who is sitting on an island.

Fintan Magee Murals in South and & Sydney CBD

There are far fewer murals in this part of Sydney, councils are less proactive about attracting artists, and some of these works are private commissions. Recently, Sydney City Council has changed its restrictive views on street art, and hopefully, in coming years, this will see a lot more colourful walls in these areas.

Unnamed – Alexandria (with Numskull)

FIntan Magee Bowden st alexandria

Just off busy McEvoy Street, the one at 13 Bowden Street Alexandria is a little more challenging to reach by public transport, but it can be done. You can walk from the 310 bus stop on Botany Road or the 370/305 on McEvoy Street.

Self-Portrait – Redfern

Fintan Magee Mural Sydney Self Portrait

This self-portrait on the corner of Marriott and Cleveland Street was painted in 2013. It’s just a short walk from Redfern Station.

The Torch Carrier – Sydney CBD

Yet to get a good shot of this – it’s always too dark when I go but will try to get there earlier one day soon! Until then grab a drink and check it out in person. 🙂

The Torch Carrier SILY in Kent street
Head inside Since I Left You to find this one – and order a jaffle while you are there.

Located in the courtyard of one of my favourite small bars in the city, The Torch Carrier is 18-metre tall. You will find it at Since I Left You at 338 Kent Street a short walk from Wynyard Station.

Support – Woolloomooloo

Fintan Mural at Plunkett Street Public School

On the wall of the carpark at Plunkett Street Public School. You will probably find the gate locked as we did but you still get a great view of the mural through the fence. It’s just a few minutes walk from Harry’s Cafe de Wheels where you really should stop for a pie 😉

Brisbane Flood Refugee Boat – Glebe

Fintan Magee Brisbane Flood Refugee Boat

This mural is at the top end of Derwent Lane where it borders Glebe Public School, home to the famous Saturday Glebe Market.

Domestic Bliss – St Leonards

Also, need to get across the bridge for another shot of this. Mine is not worthy to post sadly

One of the first significant works on the north side, Domestic Bliss in Atchinson Lane in St Leonards, was painted in 2014.

A Street Art Map of Fintan Magee Murals in Sydney

I spent a few Saturday mornings hunting these down – bribing my husband with promises of brunch if came along and helped. To make your job a little easier, I have added them to a Google map. There is still one in Leichhardt that I just can’t seem to find. If you know of one I have missed, I would love to hear from you.

All the details in this post are correct to the best of my knowledge, but please let me know if you notice anything amiss. And remember street art can be painted over or buildings pulled down, so get out there and see it while you can!

Want more Sydney Street Art stories? Check the Street Art category on this site.

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Paula Morgan

Paula Morgan, a born-and-bred Sydney resident, has been sharing this city and its secret spots for over 15 years. She's not just about the iconic landmarks; she's loves the hidden alleys adorned with street art, and the joy of discovering a new café or a fabulous restaurant.

28 thoughts on “20+ Fintan Magee Murals in Sydney”

  1. This is a great post. I love street art but sometimes you can be almost on top of it and you don’t see because it is around a corner or down a lane. David and I don’t get to the inner city much but I am going to plan a trip armed with your map and see how many murals I can track down.

  2. Wow I’ve never heard of him before but his street art is so cool! We are travelling through Australia soon so we will be sure to keep an eye out for these!

  3. What a great wrap up. These murals are gorgeous. I’m from Sydney and I’m ashamed to say I didn’t know Newtown had so many great finds. I have to say a few of them remind me of walking around Penang.

  4. These are incredible. I don’t think I have ever seen anything like this in real life, always just through other people’s photos! But I will have to start keeping an eye out more often!

  5. These are fabulous, and I hadn’t heard of the artist before – very talented. I especially like Bracing a Falling Sky. Great that you included a map of where to find them – will make tracking them down super easy!

  6. I started out like that a few years ago Jade and now I am constantly on the lookout. I think my need to explore every back alley in the inner city drives my husband slightly mad 😉

  7. I’m a sucker for street art too, so I really enjoyed seeing Fintan Magee’s work. Wat an accomplished artist! I’m particularly fond of Food Chain.

  8. Wow! These are really amazing. Thank you so much for putting this list together. I really like the map that includes all the locations. Will keep this in mind for my next visit to Sydney :).

  9. Enjoyed your post. I love street art, too, and this is a fantastic collection. How do you learn who the artists are? Or is that somewhat of a mystery?

  10. I usually look artists up online after I have discovered a few of their works I like. And I walk a lot, so I come across new stuff all the time. I have a couple more posts on other local Australian street artists coming in the next few weeks. I also try to go along to the free tours each year when the festivals like Perfect March or WonderWalls down in Wollongong are on. These are an excellent way to learn more about local artists.

  11. Peace Park Mural – Newtown is actually at Matt Hogan Reserve, 48-74 Camden St. Peace park is on a top of Alice Street and there is nothing to be seen 😉

    I have another image, do not know the name, from Enmore. Can provide it with location address?!

  12. Hi Paula,

    Two more you might wish to include, both in Chippendale. One is in the back of the Lord Gladstone, in the beer garden but you can see it from Chippen Lane. The other is next to Scottie Marsh’s Bin Chickens in Teggs Lane, a mural of Naomi Mayers

  13. Thanks Lynne I have those ready to add – there are just never enough hours in the day. I think there are about 5 missing from my list at the moment

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