Berry Island Reserve – Gadyan Track

Berry Island Reserve is one of my favourite secret Sydney spots. Located just 2km west of Circular Quay, this tiny island is one of the best examples of what the land around Sydney Harbour would have looked like when the British arrived. The short walk along the Gadyan Track introduces the Aboriginal history of the … Read more

20+ Fintan Magee Murals in Sydney

If you follow me on Instagram, you may have noticed I am quite partial to street art and spend many hours hunting down new murals. This post highlights 20 plus Fintan Magee murals in Sydney that we have managed to find so far.  Street art fans may have already heard of Fintan Magee; his huge … Read more

Sydney Walking Tour Apps

Walks in Sydney

These Sydney walking tour apps are a great way to explore the city on a budget. We have downloaded and tested all the apps here to make sure they do what they say they do. Read on for our reviews of the best apps for walking in Sydney.  Every time I start planning a holiday … Read more